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Jaguar (Year 5)

Welcome to Jaguar Class!

Meet the Teacher!



My name is Miss Paggett, and I am the Jaguar Class teacher for 2023-24. I can’t wait for another year at Aldington Primary School and to spend this time getting to know you all.


One of my favourite things to do is dance! I have always loved dancing and still take lots of dance classes in my spare time. I also am very passionate about art, and love spending my free time painting and drawing.


I am so looking forward to our year and can’t wait to share this journey with you all.


Meet the Jaguar Adults


Mrs Russell


Mrs Russell is in class with us all the time.


Term 3

Can you feel the force?

Term 3: Monday and Tuesday 

This term we are doing Swimming (on a Monday at Ashford School) and Gymnastics on Tuesday.


Term 3: Our Forest School date is January 11th.

Young Voices - 15th January 2024


Practice the songs here!

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Word List

Times Tables Songs 2-12

Staying Safe Online

With children becoming more tech-fluent, it is vital that both children and parents/carers understand how to stay safe online when using a computer, tablet, phone or games console.


This Thinkuknow website is a fantastic government interactive tool to teach both children and adults how to stay safe online.


We recommend using this website to support the conversations we have in school about e-safety and to develop your own knowledge of how to keep your child safe when they are online.


The parent/carer section also has a CEOP reporting link should you discover an unknown person attempting to contact or message your child in any way that is inappropriate. 
