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Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors' section.


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Attendance for your information.


Minutes of the Full Governing Body Meetings can be requested via an email request to the school office.


Dave McQuillan: Foundation Governor & Chair of Governors

Dave McQuillan: Foundation Governor & Chair of Governors

Governor Since: 1st October 2018

Term of Office: 2nd October 2026

Responsibilities: Safeguarding/Child Protection/Equality & Curriculum  

Background Information: 

I grew up in Aldington and returned to the village with my wife and family ten years ago.  My three children all attended the school and I have been a governor for over five years. I work as a Paramedic practitioner for South East Coast Ambulance service; this has always allowed me flexibility to spend time at the school. I believe a successful local school is vital for a strong village community and in my co-opted role hope to further support the school in its continued development. 

Christine Fuller: Foundation Governor

Christine Fuller: Foundation Governor

Governor Since: 26th March 2020

Term of Office: 22nd May 2024

Responsibilities: Governor linked to French/Geography/History/RE, Finance, Maths & Early Years

Background Information:

 I am a resident of Aldington, retired with a long history of working in administration, accounts and personnel.  I have a lifelong interest in education particularly primary.  I have previously served on School Appeals Panels so am aware of the pressures on schools and the dilemmas they face.   I do have grandsons at Aldington School so I have an interest in the school being successful, whilst not a direct connection.


Emma McQuillan

Emma McQuillan - Co-Opted Governor 

Governor Since: 18th October 2023

Term of Office: 18th October 2027

Responsibilities: SENCO/Inclusion & Pupil Progress

Background Information: 

I have lived in Aldington for the past 18 years, and our three children all attended the primary school. I had the privilege of working at the school for 13 years in various roles ranging from Teaching Assistant to SENCO. Having left the school a few years ago to pursue a career in Educational Psychology, I am delighted to be returning in the role of governor and look forward to supporting the school as it continues its great work.   

Stuart Lambourn - Parent Governor

Stuart Lambourn - Parent Governor

Governor Since: 28th September 2020

Term of Office: 27th September 2024

Responsibilities: PE & Forest School/Outdoor Learning 

Background Information: 

Having been a past pupil of the school and lived in the village for 44 years, I understand how much the school matters to people. Given the opportunity, I look forward to being a link between the school and parents/carers and the community. With two children at the school it is now my turn to bring all I can to assist Mr Dawson, staff and fellow governors in ensuring our school runs smoothly. My best endeavours will always have the school and children at heart. I’m willing, approachable, dedicated and relish this opportunity.       


Remy Dabell: Parent Governor

Remy Dabell: Parent Governor 

Governor Since: 6th February 2023

Term of Office:  5th February 2027 

Responsibilities: Early Years, SEN/Inclusion & School Council

Background Information: I have lived locally for the last 10 years and during this time Aldington Primary School has always shown how they nurture and help children grow to their full potential.  I would like to help the school continue that nurturing, and ensure all children have a passion for education. For the last 5 years I have been a chairperson for a local Pre-school and in that time my love for education has grown alongside the children, and I would like this to continue in my role as parent governor. I am looking forward to learning new skills and developing my knowledge further.

Daniel Bartlett: Co-opted Governor & Vice Chair of Governors

Daniel Bartlett - Co-opted Governor

Governor Since: 13th July 2022

Term of Office: 12th July 2026

Responsibilities: Art/Music/Design Technology/PSHE, Finance, Health & Safety, Well-being

Background Information: 

I am a father of two lovely girls. I currently work as an Insurance Finance Specialist dealing with everything from paying company underwriters and travel agent partners, to dealing system issues and assisting with our management accountants and our forecasting teams to help with budgets and future. I have worked for the same company for 11 years. I am also studying for my level 3 AAT qualifications to further in this field.

Alongside this, myself, my wife and my In-laws are currently foster carers in and have been for since early 2017.We mainly specialise in parent and child placements. We support the parents in developing their skills, with the main priority being the welfare and support of the child. 

I have always felt for many years when the time came, I would like to support a school as much as possible. During our time as foster carers I have seen so clearly how the right support and guidance can massively set children onto the best possible life paths, so I would love to be part of a team that helps shape children's futures to give them the best possible start.

Jim Reid - Local Authority Governor

Jim Reid - LA Governor

Governor Since: 

Term of Office: 4 years 


Background Information: 


I was born in Malaya ( as it was then known ) and lived  there for seven years before coming back to the UK. After school in Sherborne and Highgate I did a degree in Business Studies and worked initially at Portex in Hythe, part of Smiths Industries.

I married my wife, Mary in 1978 and we have two children, Claire, a physiotherapist and Peter, a marine engineer. We have one grandson, Sebastian who is at Simon Langton school in Canterbury.

In 1981 we moved to Hong Kong to work for a large international conglomerate and remained with them for the rest of my working career. This included being posted to various countries such as Saudi Arabia, Japan, The Philippines and lastly in Amsterdam.
 Mary and I bought Backhouse Wood in Aldington in 2000. It is a PAWS woodland ( plantation on ancient woodland site ) and we have been restoring it gradually back into native British woodland.

The last few years have given us major issues in the wood due to diseases and pests affecting many of the trees. These issues, together with increasing severity and frequency of storms has drastically increased our workload.

I am hoping that by having the children from the school in the wood, it will instil respect and knowledge of the importance of looking after and caring for trees.

Victoria Elderton: Staff Governor

Victoria Elderton:  Staff Governor

Governor Since:  18th January 2023

Term of Office: 17th Janaury 2027 

Responsibilities: Training and Development 

Background Information: 

I moved from Leicestershire to Kent in 2000 and have taught in schools in Ashford, Maidstone and Canterbury. I have been SENCo/Inclusion manager for 20 years, a role that I still enjoy, being committed to ensuring all pupils receive the best education possible, I joined Aldington Primary school in January 2023 and feel very lucky to work in such a friendly village school where everyone works together for the best of the pupils, families and wider community. 


I have previously served as a parent Governor at a local primary school and was Chair of my children's PTA for many years. I therefore appreciate how much goes on behind the scenes, and welcome the opportunity to do all I can to ensure that Aldington Primary continues to go from strength to strength.


Ben Dawson: Headteacher

Ben Dawson: Headteacher

Governor Since: 1st October 2014

Term of Office: Ongoing

Responsibilities: Pupil Progress Team, Health & Safety, Safeguarding/Child Protection/Equality, PE

Background Information: 

I grew up in Smeeth and have lived fairly locally all my life with the exception of heading to Bath for University. Since becoming a teacher I have taught in a variety of places in Bath, Canterbury and Ashford. All these schools helped me to develop as a teacher, learn new skills and progress my career. Moving to Aldington as Deputy and then Co Headteacher has opened many new opportunities. I am now the Headteacher and will continue to contribute to the success and reputation of Aldington.

Tony Blake: Co-opted Governor

Tony Blake: Co-Opted Governor

Governor Since: 

Term of Office: Ongoing


Background Information: 

I am married and the Father to three grown up children and also a Grandfather. I am a retired
Metropolitan Police Officer having served 30 years, virtually all of it as a detective working in a
variety of posts in South East & South London and at New Scotland Yard. I am currently in full time employment working for UK Finance, which is the collective voice for the banking and finance industry. My current role involves a secondment to a funded National Police Unit where I hold the responsibility for the relationship between parts of law enforcement and the financial services industry in relation to economic crime.


While I do still currently work full time, I am now at a stage in my life where I am looking for an
opportunity to give some of my spare time and energy to the local community. We all know that our formative years are so important and schools play a big part in that, of course. My children were fortunate enough to all go to amazing primary schools where it was clear that staff and pupils were motivated and everyone flourished as a result. At my older children’s primary school, I was a very active member of the PTFA throughout their time there and I saw first-hand what could be achieved. I was made to feel part of the school community and put everything I could into my role and as a result got so much back in return.


My enthusiasm and commitment has not waned over the years and I see this as opportunity for me to become part of a school community once again. I will relish working with the senior leadership team and other governors in support of both staff and pupils at Aldington Primary School so that they can all be the very best version of themselves.

Jacqui Wapshott: Clerk to the Governors

Jacqui Wapshott - Clerk to the Governors

Appointed: September 2020

Responsibilities: Advisory Clerk



Annual Governor Report

Complaints Procedure


If you have a  complaint please contact:

Mrs S Eyles - Complaints Co-Ordinator

