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School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you would like a paper copy of any of our information found on our school website, please speak to our school office who will provide this free of charge.

If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.

Assessment, Recording & Reporting

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Concerns and complaints


Our School is committed to providing the very best education for our young people and we want our pupils to be healthy, happy and safe and to do well. When things happen in School – an accident perhaps, or a behavioural issue – there are clear procedures which must be followed by all staff to keep records of what has happened and to notify the Local Authority, where appropriate.


We recognise the importance of establishing and maintaining good relationships with parents, carers and the wider community. We are aware that there may be occasions where people have concerns or complaints and we hope to resolve these as promptly, fairly and informally as possible.


If you have a concern you should first raise this with your child’s class teacher. In most cases this will resolve the issue but if it does not and you wish to take the matter further you should speak or write to the Headteacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. If you are making a formal complaint there is a procedure which must be followed, which can be found on the website. The School Office will be happy to provide help if needed.

The Complaints Co-Ordinator is Mrs. S Eyles. Email

Confidentiality Policy

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Parent Code of Conduct

Positive Behavioral Support, Positive Handling and Physical Intervention

Relationship, Sex and Health Education Policy

Remote Learning Policy
